
tobacco green Learn more about tobacco green

  • Harmful symptoms and control methods of tobacco mosaic disease

    Harmful symptoms and control methods of tobacco mosaic disease

    Tobacco mosaic disease is common in all tobacco areas in the world, and it occurs in both northern and southern tobacco areas in China, especially in southern tobacco areas. the incidence of tobacco mosaic disease in the field is generally 520% from seedling stage to harvest stage, and the incidence of individual fields can be as high as 90% 100%. The loss of early onset can reach 50%, or even loss of harvest.

  • Planting techniques of flue-cured tobacco

    Planting techniques of flue-cured tobacco

    Tobacco is a warm-loving plant, and the humidity in the field should be kept at about 70% to 80% in the middle of growth. Red loam is the best planting site. Sowing is usually around the middle of February every year, and heat preservation is done at the same time. Planting is the best.

    2020-11-09 Flue-cured tobacco planting technology tobacco is a kind of like warm sexual
  • "Green" insecticides can be made from tobacco.

    ⑴ is a botanical insecticide extracted from the root of fish rattan. It has contact and stomach toxicity, and has a good effect on aphids and Lepidoptera larvae. It is extremely safe for people, animals and crops, and is especially suitable for use in fruits, vegetables, tea and mulberry. 2.5% fish gum essential oil is often sprayed with 500% 800 times liquid. ⑵ cyanobacteria belongs to Su Yun.

  • Tobacco growing technology

    Tobacco growing technology

    First, tobacco seeds should be sunned at 1520℃ for 23 days before germination; second, the best transplanting period in Huanghuai tobacco area should be completed before Qingming to grain rain. Planting density should be controlled at 12001300 plants per mu, and plastic film should be used to plant tobacco. Third, tobacco ripeness

    2020-11-09 tobacco planting technology first seed in germination before
  • How to use pesticides to grow tobacco?

    How to use pesticides to grow tobacco?

    How to use pesticides to grow tobacco? Pesticides have played an important role in the development of human agricultural civilization, especially in the control of dangerous and explosive diseases and insect pests. But in the process of using pesticides, it will cause a certain degree of pollution to the atmosphere, soil and water.

  • How to grow tobacco to withstand drought?

    How to grow tobacco to withstand drought?

    How to grow tobacco to withstand drought? Tobacco has higher requirements for water in the growing period, and the yield and quality of tobacco leaves will be significantly affected by drought stress. China is a country with shortage of water resources, and the temporal and spatial distribution of water resources is uneven. In recent years, some tobacco-growing areas in China have suffered from severe drought.

  • What kind of medicine can be used to kill tobacco green insects?

    What kind of medicine can be used to kill tobacco green insects?

    The main host plants of tobacco green insects are tobacco and pepper, and others include tomato, pumpkin, mandala, belladonna, acid pulp, Solanum nigrum and other plants of Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae, which are very harmful, so what medicine can be used to kill tobacco green insects? I. what kind of medicine can be used to kill tobacco green insects

    2020-11-08 Tobacco green insect use what medicine energy kill tobacco green insect main
  • What are the conditions of tobacco deficiency?

    What are the conditions of tobacco deficiency?

    How to control tobacco leaf curl virus disease? Tobacco leaf curl disease is also called leaf curl disease. Leaf curl is widely distributed in many tropical areas and occurs in Yunnan, Guangdong, Fujian and Taiwan tobacco areas in China. In 2006, the incidence of individual tobacco-growing areas in Yunnan was 7-11%. Leaf curl has a wide range of hosts, including plants from 14 families and 45 genera.

  • The planting method of tobacco

    The planting method of tobacco

    The planting method of tobacco

  • What medicine is used for tobacco bacterial wilt

    What medicine is used for tobacco bacterial wilt

    Tobacco bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) is one of the main diseases of tobacco in tropical and subtropical regions, which occurs in Shandong, Henan, Shaanxi and Liaoning provinces. What kind of medicine is used for tobacco bacterial wilt? What are the symptoms? What medicine does tobacco bacterial wilt use? There is no medicine to cure at present.

    2020-11-08 Tobacco green blight use what medicine tobacco yes
  • The latest planting methods of tobacco

    The latest planting methods of tobacco

    At present, tobacco is grown in many places in our country, although many people know that attraction is harmful to health, but the demand for cigarettes in the market is still very high. And tobacco cultivation in many places is still a national poverty alleviation project. So how to grow tobacco?

    2020-11-10 The latest tobacco planting methods at present our country a lot of
  • How to raise flower tobacco

    How to raise flower tobacco

    Flower tobacco scientific name: nicotianaalata alias: American flower tobacco, long flower tobacco, large flower tobacco morphological characteristics:-annual herbs, plant height 60-90 cm, the whole plant is densely covered with glandular hairs. Stems erect, leaves alternate, lanceolate or long elliptic. Lax raceme terminal, Corolla salverform

  • How to control tobacco mosaic disease?

    How to control tobacco mosaic disease?

    How to control tobacco mosaic disease? Tobacco mosaic disease, one of the three major tobacco diseases, is common in all tobacco areas of our province. In the early stage of seedling or field disease, the yield can be reduced by 30%, and the economic loss can reach 50% to 70%. After topping, the disease has little effect on yield, but has a great impact on quality. The disease is caused by a variety of viruses.

  • Cultivation techniques of flue-cured tobacco

    Cultivation techniques of flue-cured tobacco

    Flue-cured tobacco is the largest type of tobacco cultivated in China and in the world. it is not only the main raw material of cigarette industry, but also used as the raw material of tobacco industry. So what are the cultivation techniques of flue-cured tobacco? 1. Direct seeding cultivation of flue-cured tobacco can save seedling cultivation.

    2020-11-09 Flue-cured tobacco cultivation techniques flue-cured tobacco yes China also in the world
  • How to treat the disease of tobacco seedlings?

    How to treat the disease of tobacco seedlings?

    China is a big country in tobacco production and marketing in the world, and it is widely cultivated in the north and south provinces. In the process of cultivation, the cultivation of strong seedlings is a key part of the work, if not managed properly, diseases may occur. So, how to treat the disease of tobacco seedlings? It depends on what happens to the tobacco seedlings.

    2020-11-08 Tobacco seedlings emergence disease how cure we the country the world tobacco
  • The veteran tobacco grower tells you the tobacco cultivation and management technology, it turns out that the planting method is very exquisite.

    The veteran tobacco grower tells you the tobacco cultivation and management technology, it turns out that the planting method is very exquisite.

    Click to follow us, update the agricultural planting technology every day, help you get rich, soak the seeds and choose the mature seeds, and dry the seeds on a sunny day.

  • What is tobacco mosaic disease?

    What is tobacco mosaic disease?

    What is tobacco mosaic disease? There are two symptoms of tobacco mosaic disease. 1. Common mosaic disease: infected by the virus, the tender leaves begin to develop the disease first, and the mesophyll along the veins turns yellow and bright veins appear. Then the dark or light color parts gradually expand to form yellow and green mottled (mosaic); in severe cases, the leaves.

  • The latest control methods of tobacco mosaic disease

    The latest control methods of tobacco mosaic disease

    Tobacco mosaic disease is common in all tobacco areas in the world, and occurs in both northern and southern tobacco areas in China, especially in southern tobacco areas. from seedling stage to harvest stage, the incidence of tobacco mosaic disease in the field is generally 520%, and that in individual fields can be as high as 90% 100%. The loss of early onset can reach

    2020-11-10 The latest tobacco mosaic disease control methods
  • Control methods of tobacco mosaic disease

    Control methods of tobacco mosaic disease

    Control methods of tobacco mosaic disease

  • Introduction to the method of sowing and breeding of flower tobacco

    Introduction to the method of sowing and breeding of flower tobacco

    Flower tobacco has a long flowering period and bright colors, so it has a certain ornamental value. Because the flowering period of flower tobacco is generally from June to September, it is also an excellent flower in summer garden. Generally speaking, flower tobacco can be propagated by sowing, so how should it be operated?
